You Got Called Back. Now What? - The Audition Chronicals
Being called back is a really exciting! It means you were successful in what you set out to accomplish in your audition - which is to make the production team feel like there might possibly be a place for you in their cast. That being said, participating in callbacks is one of my least favorite things, but like auditioning - it is a skill you have to master. Callbacks are an inherently competitive environment. You'll see a lot of posturing from your peers and if you're anything like me, you'll feel so far out of your element you'll begin a steep decent into an existential crisis with every passing hour. The ultimate goal of a callback is to stand out and help the production team cast you in their show, but you can't do that when you're too insecure to function. So here are some tips I've learned along the way that might help you find the fun or at least feel better prepared. There are two types of callbacks that I've experienced with pros and co...