
Showing posts from May, 2019

Part I - The Past

I have a journal entry from my senior year of high school from the day I decided what I wanted to be when I grew up. October 31, 2005 -  I had to write because I think that I finally know what I want to do with my life. I want to be a Drama teacher. It’s weird because I’ve always thought about something science related - and I still love science - but I was always afraid (terrified) that I would morbidly hate my job at times, so I was always doubting my decision to do something science-y. We had college day on Friday and I left with an idea. If I were to become a Drama teacher - I could do something I ABSOLUTELY love - for a job. I could help other people come to appreciate and love it (theatre) as well - which would make me so happy. And for once - I’m not doubting my decision. I’m starting to think more about it and the more I consider it, the more I LOVE the idea. Sure, there will be times I might dislike, even hate, my job, but I’m willing to face those days because that’s how