Move On

The past few weeks I've been feeling creatively blocked. Maybe you've noticed from my dwindling word count in the last few posts? Any outlet I turned to for enrichment left me feeling discouraged. The completed piece didn't turn out how I'd hoped it would or I'd see/hear someone else's execution that was so much better.

I was thinking about all of this and feeling a little sorry for myself sitting at my desk on Friday when "Move On" from Sunday in the Park with George began to play. I was only about a minute into the song when I started feeling choked up, but I didn't know why until I looked up the lyrics.

Are you working on something new?
That is not like you, George
I've nothing to say
You have many things
Well, nothing that's not been said
Said by you, though George
Stop worrying if your vision is new
Let others make that decision
They usually do
You keep moving on

Then, as I sat in attention listening to the rest of the song, this line near the end of the song sucker punched me right in the feels:

Creativity is a process that takes patience and courage (according to another famous artist) and I happen to have a very short supply of both. But I know from experience that you can't get better at singing a song unless you practice. And if you keep pushing through the screechy and wobbly notes - they'll eventually even out. The important thing is to start, to do, to try.

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.
-Edwin Land 

This blog has been a challenge and a promise to myself that I'll keep trying. That my point of view is unique and worth documenting in some way. Which means that your point of view is also. Promise me that you'll at least just start those projects you've been neglecting because you are stumped or don't think they'll turn out how you'd hope. You never know what will come out if you're willing to start.


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