Who are we? Why are we here?

I've had feelings about musicals since I was that little girl in this picture. My family listened to Les Miserables incessantly and when Dad (that cool dude with the mini-mullet) would start blasting The Phantom of the Opera as loud as our stereo - and Mom - would allow, I cried. Because the phantom was there and he was gonna get me!
I'm still involved with theatre - or rather I never became uninvolved. Because even when I'm not doing it, I'm listening to it, watching it, and frankly - geeking out about it.

So that's why we're here. Or why I'm here and why I want you to be here, too.
Because I feel like screaming into the void (that I hope will become less void-y and more like a cozy living room with blankies and hot chocolate) about shows I love, songs I'm obsessed with, complaints I have and everything in between.
I truly believe that everyone would like musical theatre if they only knew where to look!

Let's go!


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