Move On
The past few weeks I've been feeling creatively blocked. Maybe you've noticed from my dwindling word count in the last few posts? Any outlet I turned to for enrichment left me feeling discouraged. The completed piece didn't turn out how I'd hoped it would or I'd see/hear someone else's execution that was so much better. I was thinking about all of this and feeling a little sorry for myself sitting at my desk on Friday when "Move On" from Sunday in the Park with George began to play. I was only about a minute into the song when I started feeling choked up, but I didn't know why until I looked up the lyrics. [DOT] Are you working on something new? [GEORGE] No [DOT] That is not like you, George [GEORGE] I've nothing to say [DOT] You have many things [GEORGE] Well, nothing that's not been said [DOT] Said by you, though George ... [DOT] Stop worrying if your vision is new Let others make that decision ...