Part III - The Future

*Read Part I and Part II*
So I guess this series of posts was to give you, the reader, some context on where I've come from and why I went away for a little while.
But these posts also serve as the official end to my unintentional hiatus. 
I’m in a growing season of my life and I’m still figuring out what I want this space to be. I still have so much I want to talk about and I want people to connect with about it. Looking back with a clearer head and little more thickness in my skin, I realize that these posts were always for me. I was the one who needed to learn how to get over rejection. It was me who needed to feel like the work behind the scenes can still be fulfilling. But most importantly I needed a place to talk about what I love, why I love it and hope that other people would feel the same way.
So I hope that you’ll stick around and share your thoughts. I’ve learned so much from those who have been reading these posts and I look forward to continuing to grow and share with you.
To summarize it all:
Welcome back, friends. Let's talk about musicals on Mondays, okay?


  1. I love your posts! I'm so glad you're going to continue!


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